Check Out Paris Hilton’s New Waistline And How She Got It

Check Out Paris Hilton’s New Waistline And How She Got It
Check Out Paris Hilton's New Waistline And How She Got It
Paris Hilton has a smashingly attractive new waistline. She claims she achieved it by simply stopping her intake of soda, unlike many other women who use waist trainers to slim down their waist.
“I stopped drinking soda about a year ago. It just shrank my midsection almost overnight. I wanted to drink more water and also I just got tired of it” the 34-year-old perfume mogul told Daily Mail exclusively. ‘I used to like Coca-Cola, that was my top soda, because I liked the sweet flavor. I never drank Diet Coke because I didn’t like the way it tasted.’ she added


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