Woman Expresses Joy She Can Now Sleep With Husband After Losing Massive Weight (Photos)

Woman, Brittani Fulfer express joy that she
could finally sleep with her husband after losing her massive weight.
She was 28 stone when she married husband Bill but ballooned to 43 stone 7 lbs.
The pair couldn’t have sex and she refused to strip in front of him. 
She told TLC show My 600lb Life: “My husband doesn't see me undress most of the time.
“I don't walk around naked because I am afraid that he will be absolutely disgusted if he sees me and that he will never look at me the same way again. So, I hide and do nothing all day.”
Washing is the “most exhausting” part of her day as she struggles to shower and she says no matter how often she cleans herself she feels like she “stinks”.
Brittani, who also suffers from a disease which attacks her thyroid and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at 19, was on the show to get a life-saving gastric band bypass.
The 32-year-old admitted she sat on the couch all day and only moved to fetch food.
She said: “I think about food non-stop from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed.
“I know that's not normal, but I can't remember a time when food wasn't the most important thing to me.”
She revealed her eating left her in constant pain.
She added: "Most of the time I'm like, 'Maybe it would be better if I just don't wake up' because every single day, I look at myself in the mirror and I'm like what did you do to yourself.'
"A human body should not look the way my body looks. It is the most disgusting thing in the world.
"I am so big that I am almost to the point where I can't even take care of myself.'
Her relationship with food was so extreme that she felt GUILTY after getting the life-saving op and felt she’d done the wrong thing.
She revealed she couldn’t eat because "food was my best friend and I feel like I've lost someone close to me, I'm freaking out".
After counselling, however, Brittani stuck to the plan and lost 15 stone 7 lbs in 12 months.
The weight loss saved her marriage as well as her life, as she and Bill began to go on dates and could finally have sex for the first time.
Brittani said: "We're closer together and now intimate like man and wife instead of just roommates. We're like a newly married couple!"
